Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Concerning Bat in the Attic Games, Voyaging into Strange New Worlds.

First I appreciate everybody's support! I wasn't expecting the amount of traffic and that the outstanding amount would be covered in only three days. I was going by past sales and I figured on triple the normal traffic. Instead, I got way more. Thanks and appreciate the business. 

What is still available?

I have Blackmarsh, The Basic Rules for the Majestic Fantasy RPG, Quick Reference Cards for Swords and Wizardry, and Quick Reference Cards for the Majestic Fantasy Basic Rules at the Bat in the Attic storefront

I also have Stuff in the Attic. It is packed with a bunch of free downloads some of which probably should been released in their own right like Merchant Adventures.

What Next?

 So now that the Judges Guild license is over with, what is next for me and Bat in the Attic Games? 

I am fortunate in that prior to getting the Judges Guild license in 2009, I was working on a new setting that was built around the material that is original to me. Folks saw parts of this as Points of Light, Points of Light II, the Sunrise Sea from Goodman Games, and as well as my own Blackmarsh. Originally I was going to call it Lands of Adventures, but now it going to be the Majestic Fantasy Realms. 

The Majestic Fantasy Realms is going to build on the techniques I have learned over the past decade. Any regional map I make for the Majestic Fantasy Realms will be cropped from a much larger map that I do my drawing on. 

This map is roughly the size of the continent of Flaness in the World of Greyhawk. It has a 5 mile grid at full print size (roughly 3/8" per hex). The advantage of this will mean that all maps will align perfectly with each other. 

While I have a sketch and notes on the details of the different regions. I will be building this piecemeal at first. Basically in four map sets. When I get a couple of these done, I will probably release a World of Greyhawk style folio covering the entire setting from a high-level view. The firs 

I am doing this to keep the focus on local level detail, the part that matters for most campaigns.  Each map campaign set of four maps covers a region 300 miles by 400 miles. Enough to keep a campaign going for several levels.

The first four maps will be released as Into the Majestic Fantasy Realms and it is the main focus at this time. I am about halfway done with the writing and shooting for a fall release.

Some close up views

Currently, Into the Majestic Fantasy Realms will have 10 12" by 18" map sheets. Four referee maps, four player maps, and an additional one or two maps with town maps. Along with a guide book for the four maps. Each map will have an overall background and details on Terrain, Islands, Lairs, and Settlements keyed by hex number.

Wrapping it up

Again thanks for your support. Below is a brief list of what I have planned in the order that they will be released.

  • Scourge of the Demon Wolf, Revised & Updated (for the Majestic Fantasy rules and setting).
  • Into the Majestic Fantasy Realms
  • The Manual of Puissant Skill, a player's manual for the Majestic Fantasy RPG 
  • Deceits of the Russet Lord Adventure.
  • The remaining volumes of the Majestic Fantasy RPG (total of three more). 
  • Night's Bride Coven Adventure


Jon Miller said...

This looks truly amazing, Rob. Do you plan on doing a Kickstarter or releasing through DriveThru?

Robert Conley said...

Kickstarter for Into the Majestic Fantasy Realm.
A release through DriveThru for the Revised Scourge of the Demon Wolf.

Anthony N. Emmel said...

I'm in. Definitely.

Anders H said...

Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Christopher Bishop said...

I am most certainly partaking when the Kickstarter goes live!

Kaique said...

I'm so glad you are focusing on this project. Southlands, and later Blackmarsh, were great influences on how I prep my own fantasy sandboxes. It's great to see them being unified and revised.

Omote said...

The Majestic Realms are quiet. Any update on this project?