Friday, February 15, 2013

Delving into AD&D: Infinite Wishes

  • Use a Candle of Invocation to summon a efreet
  • Use a charge from the Rod of Beguiling to make him your friend (no saving throw)
  • Use your first wish
  • Use your second wish to recharge the Rod
  • Use your third wish to create a Candle of Invocation.
  • Dismiss the Efreet with your thanks.
  • Repeat


Charles A said...

Of course, there's the classic:
"And you can't wish more wishes."
"I wish I could."
"Shit, he's got me..."

Roger G-S said...

Next efreet comes equipped with Nipple Rings of Anti-Beguiling.

"Roll initiative"

Anonymous said...

Only an IT person could come with that infinite loop.

Gothridge Manor said...

And only some one who leaves comments with his phone would leave same infinate message.

Robert Conley said...

@Charles, that the thing about this loop, is that you are not wishing for more wishes directly. You are using your last two wishes to get everything you need to summon another efreet and get more wishes.

Brett Slocum said...

Isn't that where the Wand of Beguiling comes in?

Peter D said...

I thought you had to force them to serve you, friends or not. They are Lawful Evil, after all.

I'd just make sure you always got the same efreet. Second time he shows up, he tells you his boss wants to meet you, and whisks you away, alone, to the City of Brass. :)

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Continual Light cast on the opponent's nose or the illusion of a 200' pit cast under the oppontents' feet (one of many reasons why I dislike AD&D illusionists).

@Tim: Yes, my phone does create multiple comments. It is too smart for its own good.

Anonymous said...

@Roger: Now that is an interesting magic item.

deleted said...

This sounds like a 3.5 optimization thread. :)

Robert Conley said...

With 3.5 all you need is the LE Candle of Invocation and possess Caster level 5 or better. You can force the efreet to grant you the wishes. Then you will have two wishes to use and the last wish to create another LE Candle of Invocation.

Restless said...

I think this violates the principle of conservation of arcane energy.

Chris said...

GM: "Yes, by all means, please continue to draw the attention of the immortal, vengeful wish-granting genie mafia. How could that possibly backfire on you?"

Geoffrey McKinney said...

Rob, that is awesome. As a DM, I wouldn't penalize or prevent that at all as long as the players didn't try to abuse the wishes themselves. The unlimited supply of the wishes doesn't bother me.

Jeremy said...

While that's clever, I don't think simply gating in an Efreet gives you 3 wishes. Or even beguiling them. I mean, presumably Efreets have friends back home, they don't go granting wishes for them.

Pere Ubu said...

Only works until you run out of efreets.

"What is your command, oh noble ma- HEY, I RECOGNIZE YOU! You're the (expletives deleted) - I'm outta here!" *bamf*