Friday, August 12, 2011

Presenting s the first-ever RPG book focused solely on one city

Neverwinter Campaign Setting, seriously you can read the press release over on Dorkland!

This and the Gates of Neverdeath, I have to say I got to wonder what going on over at Wizards.

There are dozens of example of city books, in fact I was involved with one a couple of years back. It based on the very city ever to be described in a book for a roleplaying game.

Let's look at the real first-ever RPG book focused solely on a city.

It no longer in print, but you get a PDF from RPGNow. Both the original and the Necromancer version.


  1. It's obviously a press release mistake - they happen all the time. It's a molehill.

  2. Yup. Someone on the HASBRO press release team saw "4th ed Dungeons and Dragons: Dirst ever RPG book focused solely on one city" and thought that mean't "first ever".

  3. I agree, it's something silly like that. Still it's funny since I was just looking at my copies of the Dungeons & Dragons releases for Lankhmar and Waterdeep.

  4. And here I was hoping I wrote the last RPG book ever to be based solely on one city.

  5. Yeah, but the cool thing about this new Neverwinter city book is that the WoTC team, after reading Vornheim, decided to scrap the large, expensive, fluffy splatbook they had planned and instead did the whole thing as a toolkit with random tables, improv aids, design shortcuts...

    ...well, one can always dream, right?
