Friday, August 12, 2011

Interesting Google Plus development

Looks like games are coming to Google Plus in this announcement. What makes this of interest to us is that they will be having a developer's program which you can read about here. Eventually we should get additional tools, like dice-rollers, that will enhance Google Plus for table top games.


  1. I saw this in the newspaper this morning. My first thought was that Google+ is just trying to compete with all those mini-games on Facebook like Farmville and Texas Hold'Em. Didn't occur to me that this could be a great platform for developing RPG aids for use with video hangout games.

  2. I wonder if they're noticing our little group?

  3. @arcadyn

    Unfortunately, I strongly doubt it. According to the article I read, those "social games" like Farmville on Facebook are one of the company's major revenue streams and have millions of players. The players invite their friends to be their "neighbors" and then "visit" each other's farms, send gifts and supplies to each other. Facebook makes money through ads and giving players the option of purchasing premium content.

    Our little RPG group is microscopic next to this stuff. But we'll probably be able to benefit parasitically from the development of gaming tools on Google+.
