Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Majestic Wilderlands has gone gold!

It did take ten years but the Majestic Wilderlands has finally achieved Gold status on DriveThruRPG.

As thanks, I am offering the Majestic Wilderlands for $1 over print cost. And half off for the PDF for the holiday week.

PDF Discount $2.99
Print Discount $4.99

The supplement is compatible with Swords and Wizardry and other editions of the worlds first and most popular roleplaying game.


  1. Congratulations!

    Google really needs to add some sort of "like" button on Blogger, since they took away G+...

  2. Congratulations Rob. I bought this a couple of months ago and have found it a great reference to aid me putting my own Wilderlands campaign together
