Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Majestic Wilderlands RPG Part 2, Attributes

I deviated from Swords and Wizardry on Attribute bonuses. I didn't want to use the full +1 for every two of the d20 SRD but felt the Swords and Wizardry was too minimal. So I opted for a +1 for 3 points of attributes.  This works hand and hand with the ability system that I use to resolve most non-combat actions.

For those of you use who don't have my Majestic Wilderlands supplement, the general rule is that the player has to describe what he is doing as his character. If failing has meaningful consequences then I have roll a 1d20 over a certain number. Typically a 15, 10 if it is easy, 20 if it is hard. To this roll the character can add his attribute bonus and the relevant ability bonus.

I have to stress any character can attempt any action. A cleric can lockpick, a fighter can attempt to puzzle out a magic item, a magic-user can try to bust down a door, a burglar can try to figure out a point of theology. However various classes are better at some things than others.

Also I pared down the wordage from the Swords and Wizardry original. I found the minimal description were more than adequate to explain even to a novice what the attributes represent.

I use the Lamentation of Flame Princess encumbrance system in place of tracking weight in Swords and Wizardry. I think Raggi's mechanics is simply brilliant in its simplicity and ease of use. In practice player hardly don't keep real track of it. I pay attention to the number of items they carry from time to time and it obvious when they are going to bust their weight limits. In the campaigns I ran so far, eventually the party pool their funds and either commission or buy outright a bag of holding.


The basic attributes of a character are: Strength (muscle power), Dexterity (quickness and coordination), Constitution (general health and hardiness), Intelligence (education and reasoning), Wisdom (common sense), and Charisma (leadership).  For human character attributes are rated from 3 to 18 with an average of 10.

Rolling Attributes
The roll the attributes of a new character roll 3d6 six times and arrange accordingly.

Ability Modifiers
Attributes modify ability and combat rolls. After assigning your attribute look up the modifier on the following chart.

Score       Modifier
3, 4, 5    -2
6, 7, 8    -1
9, 10, 11  +0
12, 13, 14 +1
15, 16, 17 +2
18, 19, 20 +3
21, 22, 23 +4

Prime Attributes
Each of the four main classes (Fighting Men, Clerics, Magic-Users, and Rogues) have an associated prime attribute. A score of 13 or better will give the character a +5% bonus to all experience.

Class Attribute
Cleric Wisdom
Fighting Men Strength
Magic-User Intelligence
Rogue Dexterity

Strength represents the muscle power of a character. It is the prime requisite for Fighting Men. It has the following effects.

Modifies the chance to hit in melee combat
Modifies the damage of a weapon in combat.
It modifies saving throws involving danger that can be avoided by using muscle power.
It is the prime requisite for Fighting Men. Granting a +5% to all earned experiences if the score is 13 or better.
Modifies the following abilities: Athletics and Climbing.
Modifies the amount of items one can carry before being encumbered.

Dexterity represents the overall quickness and coordination of a character. It is the prime requisite for Rogues. It has the following effects.

Modifies the chance to hit in missile combat
Adds to the character’s initiative roll.
Modifies the character’s armor class.
Modifies saving throws involving danger that can be avoided due to quickness or coordination or a character.
It is the prime requisite for Rogues. Granting a +5% to all earned experiences if the score is 13 or better.
Modifies the following abilities: Climbing, Legerdemain, and Stealth.

Constitution represent the general health and hardiness of a character. It has the following effects.

Modifies the number of hit points rolled as result of gaining a new hit dice when a character levels.
Modifies saving throws involving danger that can be avoided due the character’s health or hardiness.
Modifies the following ability; Survival.

Intelligence represents the general education and reasoning ability of a character. It is the prime requisite for Magic-Users. It has the following effects.

Modifies the number of hit points rolled as result of gaining a new hit dice when a character levels.
Modifies saving throws involving danger that can be avoided due to the education or reasoning ability of a character.
It is the prime requisite for Magic-Users. Granting a +5% to all earned experiences if the score is 13 or better.
Modifies the following ability; Accounting, Eavesdrop, Herblore, History, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Physician, Research, Strategy, Thaumatology.
Limits the maximum spell level a Magic-User can learn.

Score Max Lvl
3 to 7 4
8 to 11 5
11 to 12 6
13 to 14 7
15 to 16 8
17 to 18 9

Wisdom represents the common sense and willpower of a character. It is the prime requisite for a cleric. It has the following effects.

A wisdom score of 13 or better allows a Cleric to have one extra 1st level spell.
Modifies saving throws involving danger that can be avoided by common sense or willpower.
It is the prime requisite for Clerics. Granting a +5% to all earned experiences if the score is 13 or better.
Modifies the following ability; Perceive.

Charisma represents the leadership ability and personal rapport of a character. It has the following effects.

Modifies saves involving danger that can be avoided by using the character’s leadership ability or personal rapport.
Modifies the following abilities; Intimidation, and Locution.
Sets the maximum number of loyal henchmen the character can effectively command.

Score Max Henchmen
3 to 5 1
6 to 8 3
9 to 11 5
12 to 14 7
15 to 17 9
18 to 20 11


  1. There is another common "OSR" scheme for ability score bonuses that seems very similar to yours, varying at only a couple points. That's the "symmetric bell curve" one that gives no modifier for a 9-12, a +/-1 for 6-8 or 13-15, a +/-2 for 4-5 or 16-17, and a +/-3 for 3 or 18.

  2. Is this: "Modifies the number of hit points rolled as result of gaining a new hit dice when a character levels." supposed to be under Intelligence?

    Thanks for sharing. Like the implementation!
