Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Complimentary Copies of the Manor and Knowledge Illuminates


As thanks to Tim for editing Scourge I made an offer to pay for ten orders of a copy of Knowledge Illuminates or an issue of a Manor. What I didn't do is think the logistics through and this post is going to fix that.

Four have spoken up leaving seven copies available.

You can email me at

robert s conley (remove the spaces)

Sorry for the weird formatting hopefully it won't be scraped by spammers.

Update: All Copies Spoken For I will get this setup with Tim and let you know what going on.

Nemo235 for Knowledge Illuminates * I need you to email me
David Macauley for The Manor *I got your email so you are all good.
Mike F. for Knowledge Illuminates *I got your email so you are all good.
John P for the Manor *I got your email so you are all good.
David B for Knowledge Illuminates *I got your email so you are all good.
John A for the Manor *I got your email so you are all good.
Josh S for the Manor *I got your email so you are all good.
A Chase for ? I emailed you about your selection
C.T. Grew Knowledge Illuminates *I got your email so you are all good.
Kerry H. For Knowledge Illuminates *I got your email so you are all good.


  1. oh, I'm Mike F. actually haha

  2. Email sent, thanks Rob.

  3. Man, too bad I missed this, I love to get things in the mail, particularly interesting things.

    And that is a great offer on your part.

  4. Thanks for the adventure, it was nice read and I look forward to springing it on my players in the coming weeks.

  5. Rob, thanks so much for my copy of The Manor. And thanks too to Tim who sent me a copy of the other issue. I am grateful to you both for your generosity.
