Saturday, February 11, 2012

GURPS Conan re-released!

GURPS Conan has been released in PDF form! This was a outstanding supplement for GURPS and includes a well-written and concise overview of Conan and his world. They are planning to release the four Conan adventure that SJ Games produced. Interestedly they are designed as solo adventures. The first one "Beyond Thunder River" was fun to play and there was quite a bit to do.


  1. Sweeet! This is my go to book for Hyborian gaming in various systems.

  2. This is really excellent news. When I packed up my unused 3e stuff, I kept GURPS Conan and its modules out. I played the heck out of three of them (Moon of Blood being a bit too mass combaty to be fun for multiple repeats).

    Fun stuff.

  3. I'm surprised they were willing to pay the license fees to republish these. I'm interested, though!

  4. I'm sorry to say e23 now lists GURPS Conan as "currently unavailable." I knew I should have bought it immediately.

  5. To update my previous comment, GURPS Conan is once again available on e23 (and this time I bought it without hesitation).
