Sunday, July 10, 2011

There is going to be a feast tonight!

A least for a bunch of miniatures.

These were originally plaster castings that I had for nearly two decades. It took me a couple of weeks to complete these as I only have two or three hours to do this. Some of the hardest part was figuring out what the various blobs of plaster were. Plus how to paint food in the first place.

Overall I am pleased with the result. One trick that worked was dry brushing some brown onto the bread and the turkey/chicken. I painted the cheese a base yellow then brushed on some dark yellow to make it look well.. more cheesy. The hardest part was figuring out how to paint the roast/ham. What I settled on was painting it flesh, then some blood red dry brushing, followed by dark brown dry brushing. For the blobs on the roast platter I figure they were onions so I painted them ivory and dry brushed some more brown onto them.


  1. You have become a miniature painting fool Rob. It looks very cool. Just wish we were sitting around the table to use them more often.

  2. Hey Rob seen a lot of you tube vids on creating casts and casting in resin you may want to check it out.
