Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fighting Fantasy Classics on the Kindle

Over on Hack-n-Slash C mentions that you can get the classic Fighting Fantasy books for the Kindle. Not only it been released for the Kindle it is also active content! So I bought Warlock of Firetop Mountain for $4.

This is the first time with Fighting Fantasy for me although I had other similar books back in the say. I got to say it is pretty damn good both the book itself and the active content that surrounds it. It rolls dice for you, manages saves, character sheet, and shows a map when needed. It is a lot of fun. Best of all it appears to have the original illustrations!

I agree with C this is what the Kindle was born for.


  1. Thanks for the heads up, I now must have this!~

  2. I wonder if there's any chance these things will come to the Nook or Android Marketplace.

  3. What is this "Kindle" of which you speak? Is that some new rock band that the kids are into?

    I'm so out of date. I really want to get a Kindle... but then I think "I'll buy it and two days later they'll come out with a better one than the one I just bought."

    It doesn't help that my income is severely short right now.

  4. I never knew the Kindle did things like that. It almost makes it worth buying.

  5. I would like to download this also... but I live in Hong Kong, so I could not... although I have kindle 3...

  6. what does the kindle do that my laptop does not? is it Flash? or what?

  7. it uses eInk a type of screen technology the duplicates the look of printed paper. Plus it is extermly low powered so you can runs two or more weeks between charges.
