Monday, October 18, 2010

Oakwatch Keep Map

An unkeyed Motte and Bailey Castle Village I completed for last Saturday's session at the Gold Star Anime. I tried using a roof tile pattern on the building but it didn't come out as well as I expected. I had it for a long time without the buildings inside the walls. So I spent an hour to finish it and print it out to use for the game. There a ruin in the southwest corner to use as an entrance into your dungeon.

The walls are wooden as well as the Keep on the Motte. The village portion is the bailey.

Note: The dark gray stuff along the stream is mud, the trees are individually marked, the bushy fill are bushes and hedges. The textured gray along the eastern edge are crop land. The texture meant to evoke plow farrows. The line of dashes are 5' contours.


  1. Very nice! I like it ... a lot.

  2. It is Rob - very nice. Love the crinkle black outside part. Looks good :-)

  3. Excellent map! Thanks, as always, for sharing.

    What's the parking-lot looking open space in the south-eastern end of the keep?
