Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Generations of Gamers (at least how I view it)

I been playing and refereeing roleplaying games since I was in Junior High School in 1978. I started with the Holmes Blue Book and quickly snapped up the AD&D hardbacks when they came out. I did not know about original D&D at the time. Unbelievably the summer prior to getting Holmes I was teasing for NOT playing Dungeons & Dragons. The kid in question was waving a original D&D white box at me.

So I been playing for a long time and I got to thinking about the different generations of gamers. I always felt I was part of a 2nd wave with the folks playing OD&D part of the 1st generations. I the Blackmoor and Greyhawk folks were the zeroth generation predating any publication.

When I got in roleplaying games and wargames were at the height of their popularity and even in a town of 15,000 in rural NW PA there were plenty of games to be had of both variety. I would say the 3rd generation was post Dragonlance. By then D&D was big business and the physical quality of the books were noticeably better. Although D&D fatigue was setting in among the more experienced gamers. The slack was taken up mostly by playing other genres with games like Traveller and Call of Cthulu. Around this time Battletech became the first quasi-RPG wargame to really hit big. At least in western PA.

Number of RPGs increased with a variety of complexity and focus from the zaniness of Toon, the even more zany Paranoia to the extreme customization of Champion/Hero system, and GURPS. Also licensed properties like Star Trek, Star Wars, etc were abound.

Then 2nd edition AD&D was released. Which I am sure made an easier game to learn for the newcomer but was met with mostly blah among experienced gamers. (Again from my point of view). Shortly after, the first real big sea change came into roleplaying with the release of Vampire the Masquerade by White Wolf. I would call this the 4th generation as a whole new segment of gamers came into the hobby and for the first time the ladies were well represented.

Then RPGs really took at hit with Magic the Gathering. There for a while most roleplaying was shut down as our hobby time was consumed with the card game. This was also the time of late 2nd AD&D and TSR financial woes. For a while it seemed to me that White Wolf was poised to be top dog in a shrunken RPG hobby.

Then 3rd edition D&D hit. Which inaugurated the 5th generation and had the salutatory effect of drawing in a lot of folks who given up playing D&D and RPGs. Plus the landscape of the professional and hobby side was changed with OGL and the d20 SRD. It was eerily similar to how the openness of the original IBM PC impacted the computer industry. (Something that I experienced as well)

Currently I feel we are in the 6th generation of roleplaying. 4th edition D&D broke the legacy of D&D 3.X enough to cause a new group of gamers to dominate the largest segment of the hobby. Also like the White Wolf era this is a generation that is defined by more than a D&D edition change. The Open Game License, the Internet, and Print on Demand are creating new secondary areas of the hobby.

Some might object to the dominance of D&D in how I view the generations. The simple fact that D&D been top dog since day one. The vast majority of gamers are introduced to the hobby through the various editions of D&D. Doesn't mean that it the only game in down but when it sneezes we all catch cold. When sales run hot the hobby and industry is in a boom.

As for the future the answer is pretty much as it always was. It will go to those who put in the work to create it, to those who learn from the best (and worst) of the past and continue to forge head.

Hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane.


  1. You started playing exactly the same time I did, Rob (1978, spring of that year in my case) although I was just beginning high school so I was a couple years ahead. People who started gaming in the last 25 years or so don't realize the heady times those were! The presence of something like this (Holmes set) coming onto the scene with nothing to compare it to (No videos games, computer games, or even prior knowledge of RPGs) was an incredible discovery.

  2. Anyone who objects to using D&D to define generations of RPG doesn't realize there were and are plenty of places where people get together to play "D&D" and it's nothing like D&D but is an RPG. D&D is a generic replacement term for RPGs out in the real world so why shouldn't the real thing be used to define RPGs?

  3. I guess I would be a part of the late 4th generation. We started in 2000 in junior high school, just before 3rd edition d&d hit stores. Only, we started with a hodge podge collection of 1st ed and 2nd ed books. We were all new to the game, and new to RPG's in general, and luckily it grew from three of us into about fourteen or so. But, some people fell into that 5th generation, and they split our group up to go play 3rd edition. Even though I hated the fact that some of our players left to start their own game, it made our 2nd ed group even tighter with each other.

    I always love taking a stroll down memory lane. I fell into the game entirely by chance, and I haven't looked back since. I'm always curious with the new products being released. I'll continue to give some of them a try. But I'll always consider myself part of that 2nd edition d&d generation.

  4. That’d make me 2G. (Though perhaps later/younger 2G.) Interestingly, my current group—who all met through 3e—are mostly 2G.

  5. I hear you on Battletech - I played my first big game while I was at school in Pittsburgh. Basically 10 of us with 500 tons a side. Nine hours later (after my then girlfriend is checking hospitals to see if I've been in an accident), we win. Funny thing: that nine hours of real time represented 48 seconds of game time. Whoot!

  6. That probably puts me right at the arse end of the 3rd generation, or at the start of the 4th. I got into D&D through the Mentzer Basic , followed very quickly by AD&D 2e.

  7. My cousin introduced me to D&D during the 4th generation, and then moved off island shortly after. Never got a group together until the 6th generation.
