% In Liar was a famous typo in the Original D&D books. It was found on the header of the monster listing on Page 3 in Volume 2 Monsters & Treasure. Now I know how those guys feel. The PDF I uploaded to RPGNow had several tables trashed. Namely the Viridian and Half-Viridian spell tables and the Trade deal table.
I fixed the problem and updated the RPGNow. I noticed that when I selected the option to let customer know about an update the number was less than the number of people who had bought the product. So hence a blog post letting everybody know the problem has been fixed.
The Lulu version I haven't released yet until I throughly check the first print copy.
I also want to thank everybody for their comments and to my fellow bloggers for their shout outs.
My favorite part of that typo is the fact that Arduin Grimore then gave an actual %liar for all their monsters. My recollection was that Deodanths and Kobbits were lying about 90% of the time