Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Wild North

For those of you with Fight On #3 and want a larger print of Map 19 or those who like Old School Maps. I offer the maps in two sizes, at cost, here at Cafepress. A couple have been sold already and I gotten nothing but good feedback.


  1. Is there a player's version of the Wild North map available somewhere? I had my players adventure in the Wild North briefly and, at times, wished I had a player's map to show them.

  2. Give me a week and I will have one up.

  3. Hi Rob, this is Kara,

    I am Running the Wilderlands Complete with Wild North, The North, Karak and all of it. Did you ever place the Valon Ice Wizards Temple. As I recall, it was on the Great Glacier, which was map 19, which seems to have receded on you map. It was suppose to be the big ice dungeon on the Map. PS. Could use the large PDF of map 19, I think the one i have is the small one. Also, besides the book, is there any bonus material available to throw at my guys. The reason for this is that i want to tye threat in the North and with the Wild North and complete the dungeon quest for the valon Ice Wizards with the city of Valon, If you saw the city in the last Air Bender, I envision something like that. The Temple had a garden encased in ice.

  4. ps. i am also running it with pathfinder this time, so it will be a wilderlands pathfinder conversion when completed. I just picked up the Pathfinder Tome of Horrors Complete from Frog God Games, the new necromancer games.
